Monday 28 February 2011

here is a screen shot of my double page spred

when it comes to my magazine front cover and contents page there are a few things i am going to change but apart from that they are completely done.

Sunday 27 February 2011

This is my music magazines contents page

The Barcode that i made

I created this barcode on paint.

 here is the barcode at the begining of me making it.

Here is the finished barcode

Print Screen

Here is a Print screen of when i created the word pulse.

 Here are some examples of the photos that i will be using and have used already for my recreation of my front cover.

They show the different sides to Pop
  • Emo pop
  • girly and cute pop
  • edge pop 

Also in a earlier post i said i wanted to re create celeberaties and the way that they are. and these are some of my interpritations.

Okay so i have made a few changes with my music magazine i have changed the name, from MBS to pulse as to me it makes a bigger impact and also relates to music more. I have also changed my main picture and the layout of things on my front page this is genuinly because i thought i could do better and i wasnt really sattisfide with my final out come it also goes with my genre of the magazine which is POP.
i have added to my front cover with:
  • more pictures
  • more bold and italic text
  • a more imdepth front cover
The design of the world pulse was designed on a simple programe called paint and then simply coppied and pasted onto my front cover, i think that the heart beat and the microphone give a nice and individual effect to my work.

I have kept the colour sceme the same as it goes well with the design of my photo.

Friday 25 February 2011

Friday 18 February 2011

i am now going to change my magazines name as i dont think it gives a good effect.

Friday 11 February 2011

With my magazine i want to re create stars/ celebrities that are already around but with a twist that will relate to my own ideas for my magazine.
such as:

  • the colours
  • the layout
  • the way that the celebrities act 

Monday 7 February 2011


Today i have completed everything that i wanted to
now to get ideas for my contents page

Photos For Contents Page


So far i have completed my front page, and have now done a flat plan and review of a contents page.
I am now starting to create ideas for my contents page.

Contents Pages

Example of Pop Contents Page

MYy Front Cover - So Far

Flat Plan - Key of colours

PURPLE - INFORMATION e.g Pages and Titles of stories 

My Music Magazine Contents Page - Flat Plan

What I Want To Complete Today

Today i am going to create a flat plan for my front cover, then start creating my front cover.